Dalhousie Geodynamics Group

Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
1355 Oxford Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2


Sopale Nested

Processing SOPALE Output



TMM (Thermo-mechanical Model)

old SOPALE documentation

Geodynamics home page


plot_ptt_path is an IDL program which will plot the path (in time) of a lagrangian particle on a graph of temperature vs pressure. It reads the data in sopale's ptt_path output files. Lagrangian particles are plotted, one colored circle for each point in time. an example


The documentation that exists is in the main input file plot_ptt_path.xml. Get a copy as described below.


Input parameters are read from the file plot_ptt_path.xml. Output can be to X-Windows or a postscript file.

Running it, version 2.5


usage: plot_ptt_path <input-file> [ <run_name> ]
    <input-file> is an input file for plot_ptt_path
      If it exists, it will be used.  No other parameters required
      If it does not exist,
        <run_name> is the sopale_nested run name.  aka nameout1.
        The name plot_ptt_path.<run_name>.xml will be substituted.
        If that exists, it will be used.
        If that does not exist, it will be created.
for example:
  plot_ptt_path x WGR13_P4_001_

Running it, earlier versions

  • Optionally, make a plotting directory, and cd to it.
  • Type:
    cp -ip /home/dguptill/software/bmnt_library_<version>/session.pro .
  • Type:
    cp -ip /home/dguptill/software/bmnt_library_<version>/plot_ptt_path.xml .
  • ...edit plot_ptt_path.xml to suit your purposes
  • ...ensure that session.pro points to the appropriate release of bmnt_library

where <version> is the current version of bmnt_library


  • idl session.pro
  • .run plot_ptt_path

This page was last modified on Monday, 09-Sep-2013 19:01:39 ADT
Comments to geodynam at dal dot ca