Dalhousie Geodynamics Group

Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
1355 Oxford Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2


Sopale Nested

Processing SOPALE Output



TMM (Thermo-mechanical Model)

old SOPALE documentation

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compare_site is a shell script that reads two sopale text output files. From them it extracts the e= values, as a function of time step and iteration. Then it invokes the IDL plot program plot_tsite. plot_tsite creates a plot with three elements:

  • log10 of e1 = f1(ts,it); from the first file
  • log10 of e2 = f2(ts,it); from the second file
  • log10 of e3 = abs(f1(ts,it) - f2(ts,it)); the difference


The program (shell script) would like to have these parameters:

  • the version of bmnt_library to be used, preceeded by an underscore.
  • the name of one sopale text output file
  • the name of another sopale text output file

on the command line. If they are not present, a "usage" message will be printed.

From stdin, it reads

  • maximum time step
  • maximum iteration
  • output device [X] or [ps]


The output is to X or a postscript file in the current directory.



  • "~dguptill/software/bmnt_library_<version>/compare_tsite"
where <version> is the current version of bmnt_library.

Running on castor

compare_tsite is a shell script. It is normal for shell scripts to start with a line like

which on GNU/Linux systems usually means bash. On our castor, it means something else, and the script fails. It will run if the first line is changed to

So if I forget to change it on castor, please remind me.

This page was last modified on Tuesday, 17-Aug-2010 23:23:38 ADT
Comments to geodynam at dal dot ca